5 Things to Expect in a Marriage Counselling Session in Brisbane
Now that you have reached this topic, we know you’ve got something inside you that you want to fix. Or perhaps, you feel intrigued about what happens during a marriage counselling session. Whatever is your reason, you are here because you need answers.
It’s no surprise at all. We are naturally curious about the entire marriage counselling process, mainly because it tackles emotional issues. We engage in this session because we have many questions about our relationship troubles that are bothering us and keeping us disconnected from our partners or causing us to fight over the same thing.
It is true that anything heart-wrenching affects us in many ways. That’s why it’s good to know that you are here. Because you believe there’s potential healing between your strife, you engage in a marriage counselling mediation.
Regardless of your reason, it’s essential to know some of the things to expect in reliable marriage counselling in Brisbane:
You Don’t Need Rigorous Preparation
You might feel anxious about some things before the session, like what problems you want to open or what things you need to bring. Well, these are not issues at all. What you need is to have that natural flow of emotions that comes with your honesty.
Also, don’t worry too much about the information you share. Everything is kept confidential. Professional therapists like Ian Trew and Debora Pepperdine follow the federal privacy regulations about keeping the client’s information confidential.
Your counsellors are worth being trusted. They undergo years of intensive holistic training, profoundly understanding the process of marriage counselling. Their experiences are the focal point of the list of questions asked to you and your partner.
Your Second Session Is the Real Emotional Work
During the initial marriage counselling session, you are provided with all the general information you need. The rules, boundaries, and policies will be discussed with you. The counsellor will give you a gist of how they work with married couples and fix their relationship struggles.
Once everything is clear, an experienced counsellor asks about your relationship history. Knowing your experiences is crucial for the marriage counselling session. Your counsellor will use this information to evaluate how your experiences affected your life.
Some of the common questions asked during the initial session are:
- Why choose today?
- How did you come up with the decision to come to therapy?
- What issues are affecting your relationship?
- Have you tried counselling before?
- What do you expect from the sessions?
- Did you try to resolve the problem? How?
Verbal communication is used more in marriage counselling in any place, including Brisbane. But in some cases, a confidential questionnaire is given to you for some issues that require further exploration.
After the initial session, the actual counselling starts. There’s no need for any formality at this point; the processes are up to your openness.
Your Goal Is Not to Save Button Mediate
Marriage therapists don’t have the right to decide whether you should stay together or split. They are not a part of your relationship. Their role is to act as a mediator in your situation.
In other words, you get to make the final decision based on the guidance given to you by your expert counsellor. The end-result of the sessions are influenced positively by therapy sessions, not recommend them.
To understand the entire mediation process, here are some enquiries asked by expert counsellors:
- What brought us together today?
- How did your relationship start?
- What attracts you to your partner?
- Why did you choose him to be your husband or wife?
- What kind of relationship do you desire?
- What is your strength as a couple?
- What do you think is your relationship block?
- What could you do to make your relationship happier?
- Do you feel loved? Why or why not?
- Describe an ideal relationship.
Always remember that in a marriage counselling session, you are still the driver of your thoughts. So, if you both want to save the relationship, you can.
Your Counsellor May Require Minimal Homework
Homework means a couple of activities or exercises designed to supplement the effectiveness of the therapy sessions. These therapy exercises are beneficial to improve the communication, trust, and listening skills of you and your partner. Some of these activities include:
This game is about learning something new about your partner, like “What is one of your most embarrassing moments?”
Honesty Game
This game requires an easy rule—be honest. A counsellor might let you choose thought-provoking questions, such as “What random thing can you relate of me, and why?
Book Swap
This game is about exchanging your most favourite book with your partner. Reading it might give you the opportunity of what’s swirling inside your mind. Also, connecting with the words that impact them most is helpful to deepen the connection.
Listen to My Music
Music is therapeutic. This game only needs a minute of your time to listen to your partner’s dearest songs. It’s an excellent way to let out your suppressed emotions or feelings to your partners.
You Benefit More When You Engage
Attending is different from engaging. The former is merely just being in the session without the aim of changing or keeping something. Unlike the latter, you are investing in the sessions because you have an intention. Whether this objective is to save the marriage or end it, immersing makes a difference.
Now that you know what to expect, you are all ready to choose a reliable holistic marriage counselling session in Brisbane.
Choosing between in-house and out-call sessions? Trust the leading counsellors at Beach Health Retreat. From the name itself, a unique wellness centre is offered to you in the heart of the mesmerising Sunshine Coast in Queensland, Australia.
Your hosts, Ian Trew and Deb Pepperdine, have attested to the ups and downs of online and physical marriage counselling through decades of practising the field.
To know more about Beach Health Retreat services, get in touch with us on (07) 5409 7577 or email us at info@beachhealthretreat.com.au. Our physical office is at 70 Alexandra Parade, Maroochydore 4558, Queensland.