What Is a Holistic Retreat?
The COVID-19 pandemic and inevitable global recession are already enough to trigger one’s anxiety. So, let’s be honest to ourselves here. How are we holding up?
For most of us, we might be looking for ways to distract ourselves from anxiety-inducing news headlines. Some of us may simply want to take the lockdown opportunity to test new recipes or compose songs, while others prefer to try new activities.
Now, if you’re among the latter group, you’ve probably discovered this page after a spiritual friend of yours recommended trying out a holistic wellness retreat. And you must have scoured the internet, all the while asking yourself: What is a holistic retreat?
Stay on this page to learn more about it and how it can help us get through the darkest moments of our lives.
Holistic Wellness Retreat Defined
By its standard dictionary definition, retreat could either mean “moving back or withdrawing” or “a place of refuge.” And a holistic wellness retreat is exactly those things. Going on a wellness retreat means withdrawing from all of life’s stresses, anxieties, and responsibilities.
It’s also going to your place of refuge: your inner self. Because sometimes, we have to turn our back against the world if it means we can go back to our inner selves.
Your Well-Being Matters
This pandemic has taught us that health is more than just being free from diseases. It’s also about taking care of our well-being. To truly achieve good health, we have to take care of every aspect of our lives. This includes the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects.
A wellness retreat gives you the time and space to develop positive mental habits, enjoy physical activities, and be at peace with yourself. It’s your well-being that matters here.
Not Your Typical Holiday
At this point, you must be thinking that it’s just a relaxing holiday. But ask yourself this: Do I really feel rejuvenated after a holiday at a beach resort or a trip abroad? Sometimes, going on holidays can even be more tiring than we think.
Think of rushing to the airport or bus station. Consider the hassle of missing the next train ride to your next destination and changing your travel itinerary. In a wellness retreat, you won’t have to deal with these things.
What is a holistic retreat then? In essence, this wellness retreat rejuvenates you from the core. The experiences you gain from it are way different from a typical holiday by the beach or a five-star hotel.
Different Types of Retreat Approaches You Can Try
Everybody is different. We deal with life’s stresses in our own unique ways. What works for you might not really work for someone else.
Holistic retreats have different approaches for everybody, whether you’re a spiritual traveller or a burned-out white-collar worker. But the target is the same for all: mind, body, and spiritual wellness. Here are different approaches that you can expect to experience at a wellness retreat:
1. Health and Fitness Programs
It’s understood that retreat participants find staying fit and healthy a challenge. With a team of coaches, holistic wellness retreats offer custom health and fitness programs to help them get in shape. These programs are designed with an individual’s physical needs in mind.
Martial arts sessions, gym trainings, walking or jogging activities, and swimming lessons are some activities under this category.
2. Emotional and Mental Counselling
There’s nothing to be ashamed of if you are struggling mentally and emotionally. Humans are built with emotions, this is a given. Mental and emotional burnouts are a sign that the self needs to be taken care of holistically.
When you soothe your brain, you can soothe your body. Emotional and mental counselling sessions with dedicated professionals can help you get your emotions in check. You can get guidance in transforming any emotional or mental mishap into a purposeful experience.
3. Spiritual Activities
Ever heard of Tibetan monks and Indian yogis? In a holistic retreat, spiritual wellness is a top priority. Retreat participants get to live the spiritual way, just like the monks and yogis do.
Spiritual activities include joining yoga classes and getting ayurvedic massages. You will also be introduced to other forms of meditation. At the end of a retreat, your spiritual core will surely be rejuvenated.
When Do You Need to Go on a Holistic Retreat?
To help you determine if you need to go on a holistic wellness retreat, we made a checklist for you. Consider going on a wellness retreat if you:
- Feel tired all the time
- Feel stressed from your job/ family/ relationship responsibilities
- Want to have healthier physical and mental habits
- Want to find new ways to express your emotions
- Don’t know what your purpose in life is
- Don’t know what to do in these trying times
If you said yes more than once, it’s about time to give yourself that much needed physical, mental, and spiritual transformation.
Take Care of Yourself
Nobody in this world should suffer from life’s stresses. That’s why taking care of one’s well-being is so important. Going on a retreat can give you the chance to break free from stressors that might lead to premature aging and diseases.
We hope this article answered your question, what is a holistic retreat? If you’re looking for ways to transform yourself physically, mentally, and spiritually, let Beach Health Retreat guide you. We offer customised wellness programs that are guaranteed to enrich your well-being holistically.
Get in touch with us today.