Healthy facilities, location, accommodation, program and support.
Beach Health Retreat offers unique services not found at other retreats. We have invested a small fortune and countless hours over decades researching and exploring the best ways of creating an environment and facilities to maximise your health and well-being. We have been offering customised health retreats in Noosa and on the Sunshine Coast since 2001. We have been offering emotional wellbeing programs with Holistic Counselling and Ayurvedic based health services to the Sunshine Coast since 1999 and are the first in Queensland to offer full residential Ayurvedic Retreats, including Ayurvedic detox and rejuvenation programs (Panchkarma).
Beach Health Retreat offers a rare opportunity to benefit from the many additional touches we have made to create the ideal healthy facilities and location which make a significant contribution to maximising the outstanding results of our programs.
The location is ideal in that Beach Health Retreat is in a quiet secluded beach front and park side position that is also easily accessible from the Sunshine Coast and Brisbane airports. You arrive at a beachside resort with the sound of the waves, the fresh ozonated air, a lovely park to practice yoga or other physical activity. The retreat is ideally situated in terms of Vatsu in that its main entrance is to the east.
Your apartment is spacious and self-contained giving the feeling of home away from home. Oean views offer a tranquil outlook calming to the senses.
If there are particularly serious health issues we also utilise additional purification support with air filters and salt crystal lamp.
Beach Health Retreat apartment cleaning products are eco-friendly and sourced locally. Your linen is laundered ecologically with an ozone system. This facilitates your detoxification process, health and well being as they are anit-allergenic.
Many of the most common detergents and cleaning agents contain potentially toxic chemicals. Although most people don’t reflect on this, you can easily absorb most of these chemicals through your skin, and you can also breathe them into your lungs. Over time, these toxins can build up in your system and cause any number of unknown effects.
Utility companies use chlorine to prevent and kill bacteria that might be present in water supplies. Over the last 30 years, however, a growing body of research has shown chlorine and its assorted byproducts are very harmful to your health. For example, when chlorine interacts with organic matter in water, it forms disinfection byproducts (DBPs). Two primary DBP categories are trihalomethanes (TTHMs) and haloacetic acids (HAA’s).
These DBPs have been linked to damaging effects to heart, lung, kidney and central nervous system as well as cancer.
Is a rare find to be able to shower, drink and swim in chlorine free water. Beach Health Retreat drinking water is sourced locally from spring water. Showers, the heated swimming pool and Spa are chlorine free. Do not be confused with salt water systems which still break down the salt (NaCL) to chloride (Cl). Our swimming pool is cleaned using natural products and is of drinkng water quality. Both of these are safe to drink and many subscribe to drinking them for health purposes.
Our years of succesful research and experience has led us to a deep knowing beyond doubt that the best food to maximise detoxification and rejuvenation is a professionally balanced vegetarian diet that is; fresh, alive, organic, whole and of course, delicious. Whether or not you choose to be vegetarian long term the success we have with this diet in a remarkedly short time frame is simply outstanding. See our vegetarian experience program for a program specifically to experientially share the facts of the history and science of this diet and its profound benefits to the human system.
Beach Health Retreat staff have had tertiary educations in health, religious studies, psychology, speech pathology and extensive and ongoing studies in current cutting edge and ancient methods.
Ayurveda is believed to be the leading method in healing many ailments and facilitating detoxification and rejuvenation.
Holistic counselling is a combination of decades of training, practice and results that speak for themselves.
Beach Health Retreat staff have had feedback from participants since 2004 that they stand out from other programs for the customised focus on the individual and their needs. Everyone is different. No-one wants to be treated like a sheep. All unique needs are catered for.
24/7 Professional Care Guidance and Support. We find this to be an essential component for a smoothe, gentle and succesful outcome for your customised wellbeing program.
Beach Health Retreat believe that any one of the above is enough to stand out as a superior reason to choose us for your experience. As a package it excels.
Beach Health Retreat provides you ideal healthy location, accommodation, facilities, program and support and looks forward to hosting your personal customised health retreat, whether it is for health or emotional wellbeing.
Please contact us on 07 5409 7555 or at