Your True Self is fearless, loving and infinite. Getting in contact with this spacious, timeless state of being enables you to enter a whole new world within yourself. This ground provides a solid strength, security, confidence and contentment you were born to know.

kirlian sprout capturing life force
This allows you to operate from a place of poise and leadership.
During your stay at Beach Health Retreat you will discover, explore, and learn to work with timeless principles that will help you to empower the evolution of your soul.
Learn for yourself the great secrets of success that not only help you to make positive changes in your relationships at home, with friends, and at work — but that will lead you to an ever increasing and intimate relationship with the Infinite itself.
Realize the gifts the universe have to offer:
- An understanding of the divine order
- Certainty and Confidence
- Determination and Strength
- Equiminity
- Freedom and Independence
- Timeless Beauty
- Conscious Compassion
- Love
Are you wanting to operate from your true self? Often we get caught up in victim mentality and feel disempowered by perceived life traumas. Our processes allow you to utilise challenging circumstances are the catalyst for change and growth.
Maximum growth occurs from challenge
Beach Health Retreat offers one on one sessions as part of the retreat program or you can enjoy healthy luxury beachside accommodation while participating in sessions. If you cannot get to Beach Health Retreat, Queensland, Australia, then you are welcome to skype sessions from a facilitator. We are also happy to offer e-mail correspondence or personal phone calls.
This is truly an awakening method which leads to poise, maturity and empowerment.
We look forward to meeting you.